
Success doesn't come to you?you go to it. ~Marva Collins


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Test your english
test your english and recieve the result by email

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Join Now! Registration Steps:
A Step by Step Guide

  1. From the Royal Academy website, click BE A MEMBER from the GATES.
  2. Fill the online form and click COMPLETE REGISTERATION
  3. After registration, you will test your English with the free online evaluation test and you will receive the result by email.
  4. Each student MUST have an active, unique e-mail address to begin this process. Royal Academy student enrollment data base system is structured to identify the student's last name, first name and their unique email address. Therefore each student must have their own individual email account. We recommend the student establishing an email account through Gmail.
  5. The student will receive an e-mailed notification upon the Academy’s approval.
  6. Each student will receive their Academic Number (ID) and password through their individual email account before the classes start.
  7. Payment can be made online by credit card or bank transfer at the time of registration.
  8. Ready to register?
